Thursday, August 27, 2015

Week 1: Curation

I am quite familiar with bookmarking, and have made a folder for this class titled, "Mythology." Bookmarking websites is my number one way of saving websites!

(My Mythology Folder. Image by: Me)

I'm also familiar with Pinterest and Twitter. I additionally use Tumblr, Instagram, and Facebook.

I use Pinterest mostly for saving recipes or helpful information. I use Tumblr in a similar way. I really like using Pinterest for curating, so I created a Pinterest board just for this class.

(My Mythology Pinterest Board, won't be empty for long! Image by: Me)

I only recently made a Twitter, and it is mainly for publicity purposes for my vegan food blog, HappyHealthyNoms. I have Wordpress, Instagram, and Tumblr auto-post to it. Other than that I'm still not quite sure how to use it, but I am willing to learn.

In addition to using social media to stay organized, I love Microsoft One Note. I use that on my iPad for all my classes. It's perfect for jotting down notes, and you can save web addresses or clips from websites on it. It is immensely helpful!

I use my iPad for all school and personal related things, and the iPad in itself is so helpful. My productivity has increased tenfold since I bought my iPad. I think the reason why is because of it's simple interface. Also, I can quickly access all of my curation tools on it!

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