Here's the blog post.
I have a Caturday every Saturday, and I thought, what a better post for Caturday than the Growth Mindset Memes! So, included my favorite Growth Mindset Meme and gave some resources at the bottom for interested readers.
I hadn't heard of Growth Mindset before this class, and it has really helped me a lot. It's an important thought process, and I hope by sharing it on my other blog, that it can help others!
I'm also in love with the Growth Mindset Memes. I love Cats and I love Growth Mindset and I like Memes, so how can you go wrong?
You can't!
(Image from Growth Mindset Memes)
Hi Lore, I already commented on your introduction so I am commenting here. I haven't heard of growth mindset before this class either. But after I learned about it, I had the same reaction as you. It is very interesting and I think schools should follow this concept. And I totally agree with the Memes being awesome! The cats are always so cute!